
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

End of Year Reflection

Our time in high school is already coming to an end :')

Independent Research Script Reflection

For the IB Film Independent Research Script, students must produce a script for a complete short documentary production exploring an aspect of film theory or film history, based on the study of films from more than one country. The documentary should be targeted at an audience of film students in the 14 to 18 years age range. The assignment is very fun and I'm willing to bet you that every year, IB films students across the world cheer and cry in happiness when the name of the assignment is mentioned by their instructors.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Fernal Ferlm Gernrer Rerserch

In our prior three films, XTCStudios has dabbled in drama and comedy, with the former being the genre of our first two films (Retrospect, Clarity) and the latter being that of our most recent film (Play for Keeps). In this, our last hurrah as a creative filmmaking unit, we (at least at the moment) aim to make a dramatic comedy film. A fresh and innovative approach, we know.

We intend for our upcoming film to be primarily a drama with some comedic and romantic undertones. At the moment, we have decided it will center on the ups and downs of a teenage relationship, with more emphasis on the psychologies of the two as opposed to highlighting the romance between them. Essentially, it will be mostly drama, less comedy, and least romantic.

Some films of similar genres to which we will refer as models include...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

From Silents to Studio's Golden Years

Part 1: The inclusion of sound in the movies

A sound stage.
Most of the big film studios were opposed to using sound in movies for a number of reasons, chief among these being their fear of the public not accepting it, the inevitable rough transition for many actors and actresses from silent films to sound films (i.e. for those with foreign accents, those with weak and unfitting voices, those lacking experience and with diction problems, and with having to now memorize dialogue and directions) and the increased cost of utilizing sound (i.e. building sound studios/sound stages, equipping theaters with new technology).

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Writing About Film

The article "Writing about Film" details five different kinds of film writing. The first is formal analysis. This requires the writer to separately consider each and every element of the film and its impact on the piece as a whole. Therefore, the viewer must develop a deeper understanding of each aspect.

Another type of film writing is film history. Such writing involves a knowledge of the culture of the film's time and place, particularly the norms and standards reflected in it. Furthermore, film history also entails the history of the film itself - the trials and tribulations as well as the successes and achievements experienced during its production, its release, and the aftermath: its legacy.

A third form of film writing is an ideological paper. These discuss the beliefs and ideals expressed in all films, ranging from political propaganda to nationalistic pride to simply being a good person.

Papers regarding cultural studies and national cinemas reflect on the deep, unintentional resonance that culture has on a film. A specific culture's values are invariably displayed in its films, leading to differences in perception amongst audiences of different cultures.

Finally, we come to discussions of the auteur. An auteur in film is a director whose personal creative vision is notable through all aspects of the film. Discussion of such recognizes this; ergo, criticism leads one to comprehend what really makes an auteur's film his or her film. This type typically takes traits of other papers, such as film history or formal analysis, in order to spread its focus to the film itself as well as the auteur's personal efforts.

To annotate a shot sequence is to take notes on each and every shot in the sequence. This is medium-specific; that is, it's unique to film and differs greatly from literary annotation. A key tip for this is to not only note the sequence's shots, but why they exist. What are the filmmakers trying to achieve utilizing these particular shots and edits? What do they wish to convey to the audience?

When we are told to think beyond the frame, the author is urging us to consider not only what we are seeing, but to equally consider what we don't see. We should consider the director and his previous works, the production history of the film that affects the choices of the filmmaker, the criticisms that others have of the film, the conventions of the genre in which the film is classified, and the influence of the culture to which the film was being released. All of these, in conjunction, can broaden one's understanding of the film and thus enable a more thoroughly analytical paper.